Scientific Research Team

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The company now has 572 formal employees, with 12% of technicians, 14% of middle and senior titles, and 27% of undergraduate education and above. Existing inorganic non-metallic materials, metal materials, inorganic materials, organic polymer materials, composite materials, organic chemistry, electrochemistry, analytical chemistry, mechanical design, automatic control, computer applications and other multidisciplinary technical personnel involved in the manufacturing process of abrasives and superhard materials and products, grinding process, special equipment and instrumentation, technical standards, testing technology, technical information and other specialized fields. It has set up 8 scientific research teams around bonded abrasives, coated abrasives, superhard materials and products, and has successively undertaken team research projects such as "Zhihui Zhengzhou-1125 Talent Gathering Program" and "Zhengzhou Innovative and Entrepreneurial Team".

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